Instant Replay In Major League Baseball

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In major league baseball, close calls made by the umpire cannot be replayed on the big screen at the games and cannot be reviewed using instant replay because the umpires might be harassed for making a bad call. The rule that bans the replay of close calls at baseball parks, and the lack of instant replay degrades the value of going to the game. It degrades the value of going to the game because now people don’t get to see if the call was a good call or a bad one. Second in most other sports the replay is used to help remove human error and make sure the call is right on every close play. The last reason is that when a play is close and un-reviewed it leaves the fans without closure, the fans of the winning side are left unsure of the win,…show more content…
The commissioner of baseball, Bud Selig remains against the use of instant replay saying, “I think the human element in baseball is really very important”(Bloom 1). He continued, “The umpires for the most part do a wonderful job. Sure, there are controversial decisions as there are in every sport, but I think overall, the umpires have really, really tightened up on everything, and I'm satisfied with the job they are doing right now."(Bloom 1) The Major League Baseball executive vice president Sandy Alderson didn’t believe that Major League Baseball would do anything any way saying that is was “unlikely we'll do anything substantive in the next year to pursue instant replay."(Bloom 1) It could have been use in such circumstances as when Mark Bellhorn of the Boston Red Sox hit a deep ball to left field in the fourth inning of game six of the American League Championship Series. The ball went out of the park and hit a fan and bounced back into the park and was ruled not a home run. Even though everybody at home watching the game knew what had happened and knew it was a homerun. Now if they would have had Instant Replay the play could have been called correctly, beyond any shade of doubt, and with little time spent to do…show more content…
They could use their money to see another sport that has replay on the screen. And they could use it to make sure that the calls are accurate and there is no human error in the game that affects the outcome of the game. And finally this may cause some animosity towards the umpire that made the call but the umpire is a paid employee that gets a check to take that kind of abuse. I mean these are laid back baseball fans not some crazy European soccer fans that are going to rush the field and cause a riot. National Football League referees can take some boos without too much pain so should a Major League Baseball
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