Why Do Professional Baseball Players Receive Into The Hall Of Fame?

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Professional baseball players convicted of using performance-enhancing drugs should not be considered for induction into the Hall of Fame. I strangely agree that professional baseball players should be tested every now and then before they can be induction into the Hall of Fame. People that think I am wrong do not see that it is hurting the other players around them that are not using the performance-enhancing drugs. If playing unfair is the game than no one is winning. Players that are using are cheating themselves and teammates. According to CBS NEW YORK, Cheated to get ahead and creating an imbalance in the game. If the players are willing to use illegal drugs then they are causing an unfair game. Players that are using illegal drugs…show more content…
According to blogger Paul Capista, unlike steroids, which are banned and give that person a great advantage over a majority of the other players? All players are allowed to use pine tar, and it only helps a batter grip the bat, not cause the body to do unnatural things like steroids do. There are several things that every player has that every other player has the same opportunity to have if they wanted. Illegal drug used is only going to give that one player that advantage not the whole team unless the whole team was to be on the same illegal substance. The illegal drugs are killing the inside of the player’s body not ever other player out there that is playing the game. Cheaters should not be rewarded for not playing fairly. According to CBS NEW YORK, "I will not vote for any player connected with steroid use, because I believe cheaters should not be rewarded with the sport’s highest honor," Susan Slusser of the San Francisco Chronicle said in an e-mail. I agree with Susan. They do not deserve the honor to have that reward when they have a high opportunity to be more successful than the other players. If everyone played fair then each player would have the same opportunity as all the other

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