Influence Of Heredity And Hormones On Human Behavi

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Influence of Heredity and Hormones on Human Behavior The role of the endocrine system on the human body is to coordinate psychological reactions through the release of many different types of hormones. Hormones are released into the blood stream via glands and thus travel through-out the body. Hormones cause physiological changes in the body such as the on-set of puberty, and govern behaviors such as alertness, sleepiness and excitability. Hormones are also responsible for triggering such physiological reactions like desires, moods, stress and the body’s reaction to it, aggression, learning, emotions, and so on. There are many different glands located through out the human body. The thyroid gland is located in the area of the throat, behind the larynx. This glad produces thyroxin, which regulates the body’s metabolism, energy levels, alertness, and whether the body is fat or thin. The parathyroid is located inside the thyroid gland and regulates calcium, phosphates and excitability. The pineal gland is located in the center of the brain, producing melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for regulating the sleep/awake cycle. For many people that have trouble sleeping or staying asleep, melatonin supplements in the diet are often helpful. The pancreas resides in the abdomen, lying in the curvature between the stomach and small intestine. The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon, which controls blood sugar in the body. Not enough insulin production can result in diabetes; too much insulin results in hypoglycemia. The pituitary gland lies on the underside of the brain and is credited with being the highest amount of hormones with the widest range of affects. The pituitary gland helps to control blood pressure, thirst, milk production in lactating mothers, contractions in pregnant women, sexual behavior, interests, physical growth of the body, and the amount

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