Type Two Diabetes Abstract

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Diabetes Abstract Type two Diabetes is a disease that is commonly seen in people who are obese and live a sedentary lifestyle. It usually develops in adulthood and can be prevented by changes in habits such as a healthy diet and exercise. In Diabetes type two, the pancreas makes insulin, but the body’s cells become resistant to the effects of it. Insulin tells the body’s cells to take in glucose that they in turn use for energy. If a person develops type two Diabetes, it can be controlled using a combination of exercising, eating healthier, oral medications, and insulin therapy. Abstract Type two Diabetes is a disease that is commonly seen in people who are obese and live a sedentary lifestyle. It usually develops in adulthood and…show more content…
In all forms of Diabetes, the body has a problem removing glucose from the blood and moving it into the cells. Insulin is a hormone made inside the pancreas by the beta cells. After the insulin is released by the pancreas, it floats in the blood stream until it comes in contact with a cell. Then it binds to a cell’s insulin receptor and allows the cell to take in glucose. Glucose is an important energy source for the cell, and starts cellular respiration. Insulin also has an important function in the brain because it augments learning and…show more content…
A study was done by the American Diabetes Association that studied 3,234 volunteers who were overweight and had impaired glucose tolerance. They broke down the volunteers into three groups. One of the groups was instructed to exercise for thirty minutes a day, five times a week. Another group was treated with 850mg metformin twice a day, which is a drug that is known to lower glucose levels in blood. The final group was given a placebo pill. The second and third group were given information about an exercise plan, but were not required to exercise. Because the findings of the study were so profound, the study ended a year earlier than the researchers had planned. An astonishing fifty-eight percent of the people who were exercising lost five to seven percent of their body weight and had not developed Diabetes. The study group who took the metformin only had a thirty-one percent of a lowered incidence of Diabetes. I believe that the study clearly shows that moderate exercise can help you lose weight that in turn will greatly decrease your chances of developing type two

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