Inclusive Education Essay

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QUESTION 1 Special School as a great resource to neighbouring schools. -Other schools, e.g. full-service schools, get resources from the special school e.g assistive devices etc. • Special schools assist full-service schools to develop inclusive pedagogy. • They assist full-service schools to adopt appropriate method of teaching learners who experience barriers to learning. • The special school serves as consultants to other neighbouring schools • Special schools support the neighbouring schools by providing resources. • Serves as a mentor for the full service schools • It provides assistive technology resource QUESTION 2 Advantages of Curriculum adaptation - It is a learner centered approach. - It is in accordance with the learner ability. - It is based on learner pace. - It allows for flexibility or adjustment to suit the learner. - It is responsive to the learner needs. - It accommodates diversity. - It helps the teacher to differentiate and accommodate the ability of learners. - It allows for small chunks of work according to learner needs. QUESTION 3 - Use colourful pegboards for fine motor skills to strengthen their fingers as well as to develop directionality - Have big, brightly coloured balls with bells inside or wrapped in a plastic bag so the learner can hear someone coming - Encourage learners to run towards a person or a sound while holding a sighted persons hand - When a child is walking on a gym bench, fasten a toy or a bell that emits a steady sound at the end of the bench slightly above the childs head, this will encourage lifting of the head when walking improving posture - -Use ropes to make forms on the floor that children can walk wand crawl around, they can feel the forms with their feet and hands QUESTION 4 National level - Promotes and provides education for all -
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