Inca Family

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Incas The Incas were very hard workers so they did not have very much time to spend with their families. When a young couple married, they moved into a house that had been built for them. For their first year of their marriage, they did not have to pay taxes. When they had a child, they were given more land. The Inca law said that all men had to marry by age twenty. When a child was born, the mother washed herself and the baby. When the baby was about four or five days old, the mother put it on a cradleboard, or quira. When the baby was one or two, it received a name and the naming was celebrated. Then the baby's oldest uncle cut his own hair and offered it to the gods with a prayer for the baby. At about age ten, some of the noble…show more content…
The Incas had resisted the Spanish for forty-five years. To see if the Incas had the riches the Spanish believed they had, Spaniards captured the Sapa Inca and asked for a ransom of gold and silver. Many Incas had tried to flee their homes but either they got very sick or got caught. Some escaped but were never seen again. When the soldiers were fighting the Incas, they wore armor called escapuil. This armor was made of cotton but still resisted the blows from the Inca's battleaxes and slingshots. The Spanish destroyed the Inca Empire with only seventy soldiers on horses. Only five soldiers died in the first battle. The Spanish forced the Inca rulers to obey the Spanish rulers then stole from them. The only Incas who survived the Spanish's last attack were the ones who jumped off the walls because the Spanish were climbing up the walls on ladders. When the Spanish were done stealing and destroying the Incas, they melted down all the gold which weighed two and a half tons. The silver weighed fifty-one and a half tons. Only one fifth of this went to Spanish royalty. The soldiers split the rest amongst themselves. The main thing that killed the Incas, however, was smallpox. This disease spread and spread killing many Incas. The Incas disappearance might not have been so mysterious if they had a written language but they did
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