In The Stay: Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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In the stay “Everyday Use ”, by Alice Walker “momma” , who is named Mrs. Johnson is excited about her daughter Dee’s visit home. Dee is returning home to visit her mother and sister Maggie. Mama is a large big boned black woman with rough working hands. Maggie and mama have cleaned the yard and the house to try to impress Dee. Mama thought of Dee as a star. She dreams that her daughters return would be something special. Mama thought that this reunion would be similar as a Johnny Carson show where Dee would come from behind a curtain crying tears of joy to see her mother. However, that is not how Dee embraces her mother and sister Maggie. She returns to show then her new found style and heritage and to take family heirlooms from the home.…show more content…
Mrs. Walker talks about her traveling to Africa and being given the name “Wangero” , by her Uganda family. She reflects back to the 60’s while living in Mississippi and how her peers began to return back to Africa figuratively. Many changed their hair and clothes and behavior trying to mimic their African descendants. However, Mrs. Walker felt it was very disrespectful to their ancestor that they had already known. She says that “Even though parents had done the best that they could be dismissed and denied” ( A Stitch in Time ). Mrs. Walker went to Kenya for a month where she lived with an adopted Ugandan family. They gave her the name “Wangero.” She was part of the Leopard Clan. She refused to dismiss her family. Once returning home to Georgia she used her name Alice Walker not her Wangero her Ugandan given name. She states in the film that “ I was very interested in affirming that my parents had lived good and decent lives and that they had the name of their oppressor Walker “ ( Stitches ).Unlike Dee Mrs. Walker appreciates the struggle that her family had gone through to get the name Walker. Her great, great, great grandmother was born in 1795 lived for a century and a quarter greatest maternal ancestor had walked from Virginia to Georgia carrying two children received the name Walker from that journey. Ms. Walker express her dislike in the film how Dee had dismissed her name. She thought it just a disgrace to her family and their ancestors. In the film Mrs. Walker, says “ I deeply respect and admire the Walkers who transformed the meaning of Walker and to transform the meaning of the word Christianity ” ( Stitches ). Mrs. Walker went to Africa and learned about her culture. She respected and embraced the struggle that Walkers had endured to make her the woman that she is today. When discussing Dee
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