Having Our Say Mama Analysis

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Character Sketch of Mama In the book Having Our Say, Mama is described as a courageous black woman and a devoted mother. She loves each of her children the way “God loves His children” (Delany, Hearth 70). She never turned anyone away who was in need of a meal. According to her daughters Sadie and Bessie Delany, “She’d stop…and fix them a plate” (Delany, Hearth 66). Mama was a busy woman, but always had time for her children. She could also be a strict disciplinarian when need be. Mama was born in 1861 in the state of Virginia. Her birth name was Nanny James Logan. She was born an issue-free Negro, “a person who had some black ancestry but whose mother was a free person, not a slave” (Delany, Hearth 9). Her parents were James Miliam, a white man, and Martha Logan, a black woman. Martha lived with James, who loved and protected her. He farmed, pulled teeth, and worked as a root doctor. Although Martha and…show more content…
She taught her children to treat animals with respect and to never kill “any of God’s creatures unless you were going to eat them” (Delany, Hearth 81). She was fussy about germs, and also very careful about the foods the children ate. According to Sadie and Bessie Delany, “She was ahead of her time about vitamins and minerals and things like that. Why, we used to say that Mama invented cereal” (Delany, Hearth 84). She was very private about her pregnancies. Before giving birth, she would say to Bessie and Sadie, “Now take the little ones…and don’t come back all day.” After the death of her husband Henry in 1928, Mama moved to New York with her daughters Sadie and Bessie. Bessie retired in 1950 in order to care for Mama, now frail but “still full of spunk, right up to the end” (Delany, Hearth 255). Mama died on June 2nd, 1956 at the age of 95. To partly get over Mama’s death, the daughters bought a house in Mount Vernon, New York, where they would spend their days honoring her
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