Analyzing The Dynamic Character In Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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There were three types of characters in this story; Dee was the static character who remained unchanged throughout the story, Mama was the dynamic character who caused a change in others, while Maggie was the dynamic character who changed during the story. The fact that Mama knows the inner thoughts of her daughters makes her a limited omniscient narrator. She begins telling the readers that she and Maggie will wait in their comfortable clean yard for “Her” to come. By using the word her to describe the character before stating her name, Mama makes her larger than life; someone other worldly of a higher status. Mama then goes on to describe how nervous Maggie will be until her sister leaves, “standing hopelessly in corners”, “eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe.” She then goes onto reminisce about a dream she had in which she and her daughter Dee, were reunited on a talk show. During this Mama, reveals how she knows her physical appearance is less than desirable but she makes no apologies for being a, “big-boned woman with rough, man working hands.” The two daughters are like night and day when compared to one another. When the reader first meets Maggie, she is portrayed as shy, awkward and self-conscious do to the scars she received when…show more content…
Set in rural Georgia during the age of the Jim Crow south, Alice Walker used a time where African American people were searching for their African roots while seemingly neglecting those closer to home. When Dee came home from the city to visit her mother and sister, she appears to have a brand new love of her culture and heritage but in reality, she rejects the very root of her own family tree, while Mama is still content with her life as is, and a spark was finally lit in Maggie making her smile at

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