Importance Of Name In “The Crucible” Essay

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The Crucible is one of Arthur Miller's most famous plays. Arthur Miller was born on 17 October 1915 in New York City. The Crucible is based on real facts, it is Salem's history of witchcraft. The story is documented in the records of the court proceedings still held in Salem today. One of the main motifs/themes held throughout the whole play is the importance of ones name.

The first character concerned about his reputation that I will talk about is Reverend Parris. He is introduced to us just at the beginning of the play. He is not universally popular for various reasons: he is a greedy character, who, in his own opinion is not paid as much as he deserves. He thinks that the village should give him free firewood and he asked for the ownership of his house, something not normal for a first minister to do in those times. He discovered his own niece, Abigail, dancing in the woods and doing witchcraft. “Just now when some good respect is rising for me in the parish, yo compromise my very character”.-(pg9) This is a problem for him, if the rumor is spread and all the blame is thrown on Abigail, this will affect his reputation. He is the reverend, he should not permit any witchcraft inside his house. Later on in the play we realize that Abigail comes to be treated like a victim rather than a criminal. When he says “I am not some preaching farmer with a book under my arm; I am a graduate of Harvard College”-(pg24) he is highlighting the fact that he comes from a rich family that was able to send him to a very good university, that he has been successful in life and that he has good studies, all this is good for his reputation, he is making sure that people know.

John Proctor is one of the main characters. He is a farmer in his mid-thirties who hates hypocrites but himself has turned one and that is killing him inside. He has two children, his wife's name is Elisabeth

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