Impact of Smart Devices on Children

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Hasan Albo-Salih 6/30/2015 Advanced 2 R/W Final Essay Impact of Smart Devices on Children Is it normal that children play games on smart touch screen brilliantly, at the same time they are unable to ride their bikes or tying their shoes without depending on somebody else? Unfortunately, that’s what happens nowadays. Everyone knows that the technological development which has been witnessed all over the world has produced many and different devices with ton of games. However, It has become accessible to almost everyone especially children and adolescents, such as Apple products, computer and laser games. Unfortunately, many families make sure to provide these devices and electronic games for their children, without being aware that addiction to these means may cause serious problems or diseases to them. It is true that smartphones have a lot of benefits, but abusing them by children has negative impacts on the long term memory, brain stress, lack of communication with the people especially when contact with an end of addiction. The telecommunications markets have witnessed marked increase in sale of smartphones during this year, which exceeded sales of 2014 about 301 million units. Many researches have been conducted about using children for smart phones, tablets and computers. Which showed that the rate of use has risen with unprecedented record, as 10% of children use their mobile phones continuously for a period may exceed 10 hours a day, especially with the role that smart phone has become recently play in the educational process at extent to no longer possible to do without it. Childhood is very sensitive, while the functions of the child’s cognitive and mental begin to grow and develop. So many researchers continue to study the impact of using smartphones on children's cognitive abilities; rather the most important of that is memory, which

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