Steve Jobs Essay

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John Sims Critical Essay 2 Eng. Comp. 101 2/21/14 And Then Steve Said, 'Let There Be an Iphone' “And Then Steve Said, 'Let There Be an Iphone'. This title suggests that Steve Jobs is like a god. Some people say this is accurate for all he has done for the world. Introducing the Iphone to the public was a risky one but it was a step that no human has tried before. Making a portable, multi-touchscreen phone, music player, with Internet, and a way to do all this at once was unheard of. Jobs did not do this all by himself though. He has a lot of help and many years to come up with this technology. Pushing his ideas to the extreme, he made employees work long hours and on a “need to know basis”. If Jobs never pushed though, the world could be a very different place than what it is now. Fred Vogelstein goes into how risky it was for Apple to “show off” the Iphone for the first time. “Not only was he introducing a new kind of phone-something Apple has never made before- he was doing so with a prototype that barely worked.” (2). Jobs saw the potential the Iphone had and wanted the world to see it for themselves. His logis was if he showed it to the public, everyone would want one immediately, and he was right! For the unveil of the Iphone there was a “golden path” that needed to take place, which was “a specific set of tasks, performed in a specific way and order, that made the phone look liked it worked.” (Vogelstein 2). This deceived the public but had to be done in order to show what the product is capable of. “He would play some music, take a call, put it on hold and take another all, find and e-mail a photo to the second caller, look up something on the Internet for the first caller and then return to his music.” (Vogelstein 2). This is a lot going on at once and is all available with the Iphone. Jobs pushed his employees to the limit with
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