Imaginery Friends Essay

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Do people who had imaginary companions during childhood report greater creativity in adulthood? Introduction: There have been debates for years into children and imaginary friends. Some parents find their child having an imaginary friend quite disturbing and often question their child’s mental health. Imaginary companions are however nothing to worry about they are merely something created by a child to keep them company or, someone to blame if they are in trouble. E.G Rosie the sheep spilt the drink not me. Research has found that they are a natural part of a child’s development Imaginary friends give children the refreshing opportunity to tell someone else what to do. Their invisible friend behaves exactly the way they want them to. There has been many speculations into whether having an imaginary friend as a child results in you being more creative when you are older. Hoff has looked into the relationship with imaginary friends and an experiment carried out which he describes in a friend living inside me- the forms and functions of imaginary companions. Imaginary companions and the characteristics of the children who invent them were explored through interviews. Twenty-six children took part. The first aim was to explore the phenomenon in general, the second to investigate the functions of imaginary companions. General findings concerned the kinds of imaginary companions and some facts about the children who created them. The imaginary companions were mostly same-aged children, but some were different kinds of animal or fantasy creatures. Imaginary companions were experienced by the children as giving comfort and company, bolstering self-regulation and motivation, enhancing their selves, expanding their personality potential, and finally, enriching their lives. So does having imaginary friend as a child make you more
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