IGA and Federalism

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IGR and Federalism Power, it seems that everyone wants it, yet the very nature of power implies only few can possess it. Federalism is a very important philosophy that the founders of our country used to create this great nation. Federalism is the fundamental aspect of sharing and maintaining boundaries of power, this issue is very complex even on the broader senses power. In the last sixty years in the history of the nation, the term Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) has surfaced as an important part of our government. As we examine IGR we will find it is complex, developing, and important to understand. The first thing we need to understand when looking at the IGR federalism is to know what exactly we are referring to when we talk about federalism, the text defines federalism as: “A constitutional division of governmental power between a central or national government and regional government units (such as states), with each having some independent authority over its citizens.” (Gordon, pg. 108) You see in the constitution and generally when we talk about our nation’s federalism, we see it refers to the separation of two political systems, the National Government and Sate Government. It is the system of maintaining the integrity of each political system and ensuring no overstepping of power takes place (Federalism). IGR is a whole different animal; the problem is there are no clear cut rules or really even guidelines like the constitution provides for the National Government and State Government. It is a very broad term; this is how our text defines IGR: “International Governmental relations embraces all the permutations and combinations of relations among the units of government in our system. These include national-state and interstate relations, as well as national-local, state-local, interlocal, and national-state-local relations.” (Gordon,
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