Humanistic And Existential Theoretical Approaches

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Humanistic and Existential Theoretical Approaches The humanistic and existential theoretical approaches both came about in an attempt to expand on the limitations of previous theories in explaining the depth and causes of human behavior through personality. Existential theoretical approach evolved throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, focusing on the idea that existence, not essence as other theories suggested, was critical in development and how an individual defines oneself (Feist & Feist 2009). In the late 20th century humanistic theoretical approach was developed, to address the simplistic behavioral and experience views of previous theories, and felt that individuals held potential and the ability to control their own behavior, and thus destinies. Humanistic psychology is almost infantile in consideration of the age of other psychological approaches and theories, but is unique in the approach that focused on individual control, and away from concrete ideas that all human behavior is based around pleasure, and that behavior is a result of situational stressors. However, ultimately, the humanistic psychological approach is one of personal perception, with the goal to fulfill one’s potential, and in doing so, change or control one’s behavior outside of previous concrete boundaries. However, the ability to do so, is reliant in the ability of one to trust oneself, and carry a health self-perception, as well as a healthy perception of the world and those around them. There are in the humanistic psychological approach, two main approaches in practice and treatment, person-centered by Carl Rogers, and self-actualization by Abraham Maslow. Both are strategically different, but both applicable in differing situations. Person-centered application of the humanistic approach focuses on experience, and how experience modified behavior, and that the failure to behave

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