Human Resources Management

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SUBJECT: Human Resource Management (Unit 4) INCIDENT 1 (Matter of Priorities) 1) Hiring a person for a position is an important decision a company has to make since they contribute to the success of the company. This is why it necessary to follow through the process before making the right decision. In this scenario, I think Sheila should have considered the appropriate time to meet with the interviewee because this will give Sheila enough time to access the person for that position before making the right decision. 2) Although the Human Resource helps with the selection process, their main duty is to help with the screening process like conducting test, background investigations, reference checks etc. to find the qualified candidates. Sheila is responsible for the selection process since she has most knowledge for that position and whether the applicant can meet the demand required for the position. Further, Sheila will be the one responsible for evaluating the employee’s performance so it is important for her to make the selection decision. 3) It is very clear that certain steps were missed. The hiring process requires an applicant to fill an application and that application must be reviewed. After reviewing, a qualified candidate who meet the job description and qualifications and passes other test like background checks are then selected for interview. Based on the scenario, it does not seem to me that the applicant went through this process because it seems as though the HR manager wanted to fill in the position as soon as possible. She based her qualification on a phone call with the applicant which prompted her to set up an interview with Sheila, the manager, who was not even ready to conduct an interview during that time. INCIDENT 2 (But I didn’t mean to!) 1) Amanda should notify David Corbello, the office manager that, the lawsuit filed by the

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