Summary: Tanglewood Case

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In 1975, two best friends Tanner Emerson and Thurston Wood got together to put the plan in action for Tanglewood. There intial concept was to open a single store under the name of TannerWood. In 1984, the two decided to rename the store Tanglewood and business begain to change for the company. The first store’s unique merchandise offering and personable sales staff made them successful quite rapidly, allowing Emerson and Wood to move out of the back room and add several more stores during the late 1970’s. Tanglewood is a growing company and as the company begins to grow the use of more associates and managers are going to be needed to help run the business. Associates and managers should mirror the overall culture and mission of the…show more content…
However, when it comes to management positions I believe that Tanglewood should first look at their internal associates. Typically, those associates already know the culture of the business and the mission of the company. Core or Flexible Workforce: I don’t recommend the use of flexible workforce for Tanglewood. I say that because having a rotating schedule of associates like that doesn’t maintain the consistency that the company needs. Each person that comes in will have a different view on the business. Utilitzing the core workforce allows the company the consistency that it needs to become successful. This is a easy way to promise customers that they will obtain the same customer service no matter what store they stop into. Hire or Retain:Tanglewood should absolutely work on retaining their associates and developing them. This shows the company ability to invest in their associates and assist with employee relations. The company will be able to prove how much of an asset each associate is for their…show more content…
However, having someone that fits the organization’s culture and missions is also important for Tanglewood. Specific or General KSAOs: I think that Tanglewood should focus on the specific KSAOs because any organization would want to hire someone that can fit the job competencies with a vast knowledge of the job and the skills to perform effectively. Exceptional or Acceptable Workforce Quality: Tanglewood doesn’t really target temporary employees so exceptional workforce quality would work better for them. This would give them the opportunity to invest in their associates and make sure that they grow within the organization. Active or Passive Diversity: I would say that Tanglewood should look into active diversity because it meets the diverse needs of the customers. Diversity is a huge part of the company’s hiring process and they don’t want to be labeled as hiring only one class of people. Especially since the need of each customer is different Tanglewood needs to make sure that they have the necessary qualified associates to take care of the

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