Human Lifespan Development

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Alison Lawn Mish Wilks 25th February 2013 P1/M1 Unit 8 Human Lifespan Development In this assignment I am going to identify the key aspects of Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and social development for children aged between birth and 3 years old. To gain complete control children will need to master two types of skills, these are:- Gross motor skills Children need to learn to control the muscles that are used for large movements and balance, ranging from learning to support their own heads to walking and kicking a ball.; These are known as gross motor skills. Control of these muscles develops from the head down to the shoulders and arms and finally to the legs. Fine motor skills and eye coordination…show more content…
Your baby will now recognise familiar people from around 6 metres away. Your baby will enjoy looking at bright colours and objects and can move objects from one place to another by 12 months. She may also be able to stack one brick on top of another by 12 months. Your baby will now be able to follow simple instructions, such as kiss the teddy, or kiss mummy. Language development. Your baby will now shout for attention and by around 8 months your baby's babbling will develop into speech, and she may start using dual syllables such as mamma, dadda, and by 12 months may be able to say between 2 and 6 words, and may imitate adult sounds such as coughing and smacking lips. Your baby may now understand words such as no and bye, bye, and may begin to hand objects to an adult when asked, such as can you pass mummy your…show more content…
Their fine motor skills are developing, and by 18months are much more improved and language skills are beginning to develop fast. They are becoming more social and are becoming much more adventurous, but are still unaware of danger. Physical Development. Your baby will now enjoy feeding herself and will be able to hold a cup to her mouth with a little help, but wont be able to place it down with control until around 18 months. Towards 18 months your baby will be able to use a spoon and control the spoons to their mouths, turn handles, pull off shoes and assist with dressing and undressing. Your baby will now stand without support and begin to walk during this stage, and will begin to climb on furniture and stairs, and come down again backwards, so will need constant supervision. Your baby should now be able to kneel without support, and may push and pull toys when walking. From around 15months your baby will be able to let themselves down in a controlled manner without dropping with a bump. At around 18months your baby's walking should be well established and they will no longer need to use their arms for balance. They may be able to back themselves into a small
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