How Tv Shows Affect Teens

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Ashley Rebok Block 1 December 28, 2011 The TV Show Affect Have you wondered why there are so many teen age girls having kids? Or why kids are videotaping themselves doing crazy stunts? The rate of teen age pregnancy hace increased significantly since the show “16 and Pregnant” first aired. Also the show “Ridiculousness”, where they show videos of crazy stunts and people getting hurt. They make it look like it’s fun and that other people should try it. TV shows have changed teenagers today by creating these horrible role models. “16 and Pregnant” and “Teen Mom” were supposed to show how hard life is when you’re pregnant at a young age, but it’s the exact opposite of what it’s really doing. Now that the first two seasons of “16 and Pregnant” are over, they are looking for a new group of pregnant girls to be on the new season. Girls recently are found to be trying to get pregnant to get on the show. They girls from the first two seasons, and from “Teen Mom”, are getting famous from being on the show. They are being recognized as role models when they should be recognized for how hard their life was on the show. Teens are starting to glamorize their life and want toe same attention they get. On “16 and Pregnant”, it is hard for those girls to get by in life. They have to rely on their parents and hope that will be enough. Last year there were 1.5 million views of the show Teen Mom. This just shows how many people actually do watch and care about this show. It also shows how many people support the lives of these teen parents. Even though the show does show that their life is hard, people are just not taking it as that. In the show “Jackass”, where they do crazy stunts, they tell people before the show comes on that they should not attempt any of the stunts shown. People still attempt them anyway, disregarding what they show says. On ABC News, a pair of boys
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