How To Write An Argumentative Essay On Gun Violence

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1) What was the purpose of the essay? The purpose was to outline how new gun laws or a ban on guns would not affect violent crime. What do you plan to accomplish with this essay? I plan to outline new regulations that would affect gun violence in a positive manner. What do you hope the reader takes away from this argument? A better understanding of what contributed to gun violence. 2) What did you learn from completing this assignment? I learned that you must take both points of view into consideration. Did you experience a new understanding of the topic? No, I believe that I had a good understanding of this subject before writing this paper. Did you change your perspective after completing the research? No 3) What difficulties did you…show more content…
The horrific tragedy in Columbine which left several students dead and a town forever traumatized, the theatre shooting in Colorado that left men, women and children dead and family wondering what happened, to the most recent shooting in Connecticut at Sandy Hook Elementary School that completely shocked a nation and called for a national ban of weapons. Deaths among children and teens, as well as violence in general, would not be decreased by the banning of guns, rather gun education, background checks, and mental health reporting would be a more logical…show more content…
Kahan. "Overcoming The Fear Of Guns, The Fear Of Gun Control, And The Fear Of Cultural Politics: Constructing A Better Gun Debate." Emory Law Journal 55.4 (2006): 569-607. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. There tends to be conflicting debates when it comes to gun control laws and crime rates. This article discusses some false misconceptions about gun control and relates it to citizen’s fundamental values. The author believes the key to this debate is the foundation of new knowledge when in regards to gun

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