How To Legalize Marijuana In The United States

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Throughout the United States, people are becoming more aware of just how often marijuana is used in daily lives. Marijuana is everywhere. It is even commonly referred to in today’s media as a source of entertainment for people as any other activity. This drug circulated throughout the country for years and only in the past century has it created a problem in society. The debate to legalize marijuana in the United States of America has been fought over nonstop since the existence of the drug and its affects, even though marijuana has been tested and proven to provide a very positive impact on the American society. Legalizing marijuana would help treat ill citizens, reduce the numbers in our prisons, and create a steadier economy by increasing…show more content…
This ultimately effects many people in the United States even if they do not live in those states. People that live in neighboring states could simply jump the state border to smoke marijuana and it would be completely legal. Much tourism has been brought to these two states just since the legalization of marijuana. Legalizing the drug nation wide would bring tourism to all of America and would help boost the economy. Legalizing marijuana throughout the country would bring less “crime” as well. Tourists who go to the legal states would go back to their own state and could be arrested and even fired from their job for marijuana use. Why allow two states in America go against the federal law and have the other forty-eight stuck in the unethical…show more content…
The pro marijuana legalization is backed with many facts that make it the better option compared to the false assumption that marijuana is a terrible drug that only causes problems. Marijuana being legal would help the United States that is in dire need of help. Too many people still look down on the drug simply due to its false reputation. The states that have legalized marijuana have seen a change in how the drug is used. It is still in the top three drugs used around the world. After the uses and trials people are using it for, there can only be more educational information provided. Only more time can be committed to the study and uses of the plant. Marijuana will help build a stronger and better
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