How Friends Differ from Counsellors

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Essay on How a Counsellor differs from a Friend. By Janet Spendlow Using my own experience and what I have learnt on the Introduction to Counselling Course, I will endeavour to account within this essay how a counsellor differs from a friend. The first part of the essay will discuss the relationships that I have had with my friends. The second part of the essay will discuss the relationship, the ethics, attitudes, and qualities, equality and difference within the counselling profession. I will then go on to discuss some of the main attributes that are of the utmost importance to become a counsellor that friends do not have. These being the core conditions, skills and values. My experience of relationships with a friend or friends My friends are very special people in whom I share my life’s experiences. It depends on my problem as to which friend I choose to confide. I meet my friends at a place of convenience, my house or their house, restaurant, shopping centre or anywhere else that is convenient. My friends are someone I laugh, cry and talk with, share secrets, go shopping, days out, holiday fun and confide in together. It is a wonderful two way partnership and I discuss with my friends the problems that concern me and they discuss their problems. It could be any topic from sadness to happiness or just everyday events in order to obtain their point of view on the subject. I share with my friends descriptions of what has transpired in my life and in return expect their frank, honest opinion and advice on the subject. I accept their judgement and criticism and take advice from what they tell me about similar experiences they have had. My friend’s opinions are tempered by how well they know me, how comfortable they feel in offering me helping suggestions and whether or not they have encountered any similar situations. However my friend may not always be

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