How Far Is It Accurate to Describe Black Americans as Second Class Citizens in the Years 1945-55?

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How far is it accurate to describe black Americans as second class citizens in the years 1945-55? [30] During this time period it is rational to see the Black American community as second class citizens. Despite the fact America was making changes, particularly in the Northern states in order to make America a place of equality, there were still issues that caused the disenfranchisement of the Black community. The North and the south couldn’t have been further apart on the matter of fairness. As in the North segregation was almost none existent so racial etiquette was more flexible than in the South where legal segregation, caused by the Jim Crow law was very much everywhere, which means that in the South, Black Americans could be seen as second class citizens. The Northern and Southern states had very different economic issues concerning the Black community. The Northern states economic issues were mostly in favour of the Black community. During the Second World War approximately 500,000 African Americans migrated to the North causing a boom in the Northern industry as many of the Black Americans that migrated moved to the cities where jobs paid more. Due to this boom the amount of unemployed African American workers fell sharply from 937,000 to 151,000 making black Americans more equal citizens and less disenfranchised. Despite the alterations made in the North, in the southern states, African Americans were still predominantly employed in poorly paid agricultural jobs. As it did in the North the war caused a boom in the south as well, however black people were not able to get well-paying jobs until A. Philip Randolph threatened to lead a march on Washington unless jobs were opened up to black workers. This development though did lead to some progression, President Roosevelt in direct response created the FEPC in 1941, which was a solid win for the black
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