How Did You See Yourself as a Technopreneur?

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How did you see yourself as a technopreneur? After deciding what kind of company I would like to set-up, here comes a question which lets me think a few minutes and I started to imagine how my life is, being with profession and work. How did you see yourself as a technopreneur? A simple question but is hard to answer especially when you don’t know your capabilities as an individual. Honestly and frankly speaking, I am uncertain regarding on my abilities of being a technopreneur. Telling my personal skills and knowledge would absolutely result to a big probability of failure in business. But it doesn’t mean that I will just leave it like that. I am a person who always seeks for knowledge and wisdom. I am always more than willing to learn especially when it comes to improving my skills and personality. For me, that is an important step to be a technopreneur- willing to learn. Aside from being willing to learn, there are some more aspects to consider in order to become an effective technopreneur. Personality and good character traits have a very crucial role when it comes to the field of technopreneurship and thus, plays an important tool for us to be successful in any career. Going back to the question, how did I see myself as a technopreneur? Being a good technopreneur I need to be a creative thinker. In today’s generation, it is not enough to just follow or stay on what is usual and ordinary. I must able to imagine and invent something new which could give comfort and benefits to the people. Creativity is not just the ability to create out of nothing, but the ability to generate new ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing ideas. Some creative ideas are astonishing and brilliant, while others are just simple, good, practical ideas that no one seems to have thought of yet. To be a creative thinker, I have to be observant first to my
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