How Did The Great War Affect The Economy Of The 1920s

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The era following World War I witnessed the burgeoning of a new lifestyle that characterized the 1920’s. The Great War, now famously known as World War I had brought America to the forefront of the global outlook. The war time excesses in production transformed into prosperity during the next decade which would watch America seek continued isolation despite the mounting global challenges. The Great War and the ensuing Versailles Treaty had left Europe in a rather deprived and devastated state where the Europeans continued to seek cultural and economic assistance from their cross-Atlantic neighbors. With new job opportunities, progressive ideas, an air of liberalism had engulfed the American continent. This openness and jubilance was most evident in the arts, entertainment and economic sectors of the economy. The changes in these areas largely affected the 1920’s and to were a great extent responsible for the Roaring Twenty’s nomenclature. The American economy had rarely witnessed such great prosperity as it did after the World War I.…show more content…
The World War I had brought America to the forefront of the global outlook. The war time excesses in production transformed into prosperity during the next decade which would watch America seek continued isolation despite the mounting global challenges. The Great War and the resulting Versailles Treaty left Europe in a rather deprived and devastated state where the Europeans continued to seek cultural and economic assistance from their cross-Atlantic neighbors. With new job opportunities, progressive ideas, an air of liberalism had developed around the American continent. This openness and jubilance was most evident in the arts, entertainment and economic sectors of the economy. The changes in these areas largely affected the 1920’s and were to a great extent responsible for the Roaring Twenty’s roaring
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