How Did Religion Influence Early Government

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Early political systems used to govern where, societies ran by men in the community who showed of leader like traits, this would shift to High Priests running communities. This happened when religion started to form among clans and small groups of people. Eventually these small bands of people would come together and usually adopt one of the religions used. This is what caused religious leaders to come to the top of the leader systems. Also the formation of city states gave leaders an opportunity to lead a larger group of people and attempt to extend their lands by means of diplomacy or war. After the larger city states started form people in power would start attempting to acquire power. By doing heroics on the battlefield, or even killing…show more content…
It also influenced our society by placing people in a religious denomination high on the social scale. Many early leaders would go from people who conquered lands to Priests or other religious leaders. Religion was also dictate the way societies would strive to live like their gods. By sacrificing to certain ones for the hope of rain, and crop yields, or by looking at others in awe, and trying to live their lives like they would have. Religion was important in early government as it would be integrated into governments up until the seventeen hundreds. Governments would mandate laws and social reforms based on their religion. The three main religions that emerged were Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Each of the three uses the same basic structure to run their religion, but each twist it in their own certain ways to make it their own. Early on if you had anything to do with religion you where considered higher up in the society, this belief would last until the Roman Empire and into some of the Middle Ages. For example in the Roman society it seemed as if the church had great power over the monarchs in establishing laws, telling people how to act and behave and even starting schools. This shows how influential religion can and is. It has even started wars, such as the Holy Crusades, which lasted for hundreds of years. Religion was either good in helping…show more content…
There was massive instability in the Empire when the Octavian forces defeated Mark Antony. However wars seemed to be happened all over the continent at this time. As instability occurred there was a fight for power. The Republic would eventually collapse and enter a coalition government run by Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey. They would lead until Caesar had enough military experience out of France to come in and defeat both their armies to become dictator. This would eventually lead to his death along with civil wars after bringing the Roman Empire down. It seemed to be a step backward for civilization due to the fact when the Roman Empire was at its peak there was free elections, new finding in science, art, literature and other fields of education. Along, with a stable government where people could pick their senators. However during the middle ages this all seemed to come crashing down, due to civil wars and peoples push for power over the entire Empire. During this time most of the reforms and finding in education seemed to have been lost or destroyed by leaders. By doing this the entire Roman Empire fell and was destroyed. It would take more time after this to relearn everything lost. The Roman Empire went from an elite civilization down into a bunch of warring people fighting for land. This was definitely a backward step from prestige into constant war and
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