Account for Octavian’s Rise to Power and Outline How He Established the Augustan Principate:

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Introduction: • Gaius Octavius was born in 63BCE and was the great nephew of Julius Caesar. Caesar took Octavius under his wing, having him elected to the College of Pontiffs and enrolling him in to the Patrician Aristocracy. When Octavius learned Caesar had been assassinated he also found out that Caesar has adopted him and named him his heir. Octavius took on Caesar’s name and became Gaius Julius Caesar Octavius but was known simply as Octavian. • The situation in Rome toward the end of the Republican period was that the country’s senate had lost majority of its power. The senate had become corrupt, divided and inefficient due to the powerful generals who commanded legions and extorted Rome. • Octavian’s rise to power and the establishment of the Augustan principate became a reality due to many factors, tactics and challenges conquered by the now great historical figure and leader. The impact of Caesar’s death, the formation of the Second Triumvirate, the settlements of 27BC and 23BC as well as Octavian’s manipulation, powers and titles in the new form of government all contributed to the result of Octavian’s power and influence over Rome. Body: • The impacts of Caesar’s death on Octavian were the Senate’s arrangement and his inheritance. Following the assassination of his adopting father, Suetonius notes in The Lives of the Caesars that Octavian returned to Rome following military training in Spain and demanded Caesar’s will be ratified claiming his economical and political inheritance. Caesar’s will caused much tension between the new heir and his right-hand-man, Marc Antony. Antony was seen as a threat to the senate as he had spoken out against two of the senatorial murderers. Octavian was given consular powers hoping to contain Antony and fix many of Rome’s problems. • To avoid another civil war, in 42BC Octavian met to sign an agreement forming
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