Gaius Marius Military Career

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Gaius Marius was significant with his life and career helping the evolution of Rome from a Republic to an Empire. Through him challenging the Senate, his role as a successful general, revealing Senatorial incompetence and his proposal of military reforms, Marius was well known for his improvements to the structure and organisation of the Roman legion. Marius was elected consul in 107BC during the war with the African ruler Jugurtha, King of Numidia. According to Southern “Marius was the first man in his family to reach the consulship so he was a Novus homo”. He was elected consul for a second time in absentia for 104BC as well. As the war in Numidia had just finished, the people demanded that Marius be given the command against the Cimbri…show more content…
These reforms held great significance within the Roman world as they signalled the beginning of the downfall of the Roman Republic. Marius gave confidence to the people and reduced the stronghold of the nobles on political issues. It was during this succession of Marius’ consulships in 104-101 that he began to introduce his military reforms. His first reform involved recruitment. He changed the recruitment laws to open up his legions to the unemployed or those labourers that did not own land. These men were signed on for an extended period. This allowed “the army to become a career for citizens” Bradley. Marius reformed the organisation of Rome’s armies. He ensured that every legion, despite age was given the same equipment by the state. He then divided the legion into ten cohorts of three maniples each. According to Bradley, this reform was significant as the “legion became more efficient. Firm leadership was provided for the ordinary soldier by the hardened…show more content…
He introduced new equipment that was more efficient and was able to penetrate the enemy’s army easily. The spear head was detachable to ensure an enemy would not be able to use the Roman legions weapons against them. Soldiers were also made to carry their “own baggage, they were referred to as muli Mariani (Marius’ mules)-Bradley. This reform allowed the army to become more mobile and independent. Troops were no longer reliant on a ‘baggage train’ for their tools and equipment. The last reform Marius introduced was focussed on training and discipline. A new system of drills was introduced; they were based on the training given in the gladiatorial schools. As Marius was a firm believer in and he himself was disciplined in the military he “lost no opportunity to toughen up his men with forced runs and marches in full equipment, and he never allowed them to become idle” Bradley. This reform was significant as it the discipline imposed and the skills developed through training made the Roman army “one of the finest fighting machines of antiquity”-Plutarch. The significance of all Marius’ reforms to the Roman military was major in that they provided above all else an intense sense of unity within every legion. Men were included despite background; all men wore the same equipment and were than divided into smaller groups to unite as one. According to Scullard, “Marius made the army more mobile and independent by making the

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