Roman Republic Research Paper

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Like all early civilization Rome was founded near water. The mouth of the Tiber River at the Mediterranean Sea was a perfect place to found a thriving city-state. The early people in ancient Rome spread out in Italy conquering the small villages and setting up colonies, trading posts, and fortified towns which were strategically located throughout Italy. They connected these towns with roads. Soon after, these cities were united and a monarchy was set up across Italy. Little is known to be true about Rome’s history during the Roman monarchy. This is because no written records survived from that time and most of the history was written much later on. What is known is that Rome was founded in 753Bc, and the monarchy was overthrown in…show more content…
Because the constitution was unwritten it was ever expanding to fit the needs of the Republic and its people. It is because of this “elastic” constitution, the republic lasted so long in Roman history. The early republic was controlled by an aristocracy. The patricians, who could trace their ancestry, back to the early history of the kingdom had the most sway over the government and the laws were made to keep them in power. (“The Roman Republic”) Over time, the laws that allowed these individuals to dominate the government were replaced and the result was a new aristocracy. This new aristocracy depended on the social structure of Rome to maintain its dominance.…show more content…
Originally the senate in the republic was a group of men chosen by the consuls to handle Rome’s law making, money, administration, and the details of their foreign policy. The senate had the most control of basically day to day life in ancient Rome. The consuls appointed all new senators, and also had the power to remove individuals from the Senate. Around the year 318 BC, this power was given to another Roman Magistrate, the Roman Censor. (“The Roman Republic”) The Censor held this power until the end of the Roman Republic. The Senate directed the consuls and censors in the time of military conflicts. The Senate also had a large amount of power over the government in Rome. The senate also had management
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