Hltwhs300a Answers

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HLTWHS300A Contribute to OH&S Process Question 1 What is the overall aim of the New South Wales Work Health and Safety Act 2012? It specially aims to protect people at workplaces from risk to their health or safety and to promote safe and healthy work environments. Question 2 List the PCBU/ Worker responsibilities for maintaining a safe work environment. a) What is the responsibility of the PCBU? To ensure the health and safety of workers, customers and visitors by eliminating or minimising risks at the workplace b) What is the responsibility of the worker? A worker must take the reasonable care for their own safety and ensure that they do not adversely affect the health and safety of others. A worker must comply…show more content…
It is important to identify hazards in the workplace because it is the first step of preventing hazards from progressing to injuries, illness, death or property damage. Question 6 Discuss the importance of the incident reporting process. The purpose of this is to ensure all hazards, incidents and accidents involving staff, an another member, property and activities are reported, investigated, and recorded in accordance of Work and Healthcare Safety Act 2012. To ensure WHS incidents are investigated appropriately, with a view to prevention of similar occurrences. Question 7 Describe the incident reporting process related to your industry. When an incident has occurred, RN in charge is reported. Rn assess the client or the staff involved, what caused for the incident to occur, accident incident form is filled out and then given it to the manager, the manager then lodges the form to head office to WHS department within 24 hours and further investigation is made. Client or the staff are seen or sent to the doctor for further examination and to get a clearance to return back to work. At work manager assess what contributed to the accident and makes further changes to stop it from re-occurring again

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