High School Vs. College

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Have you ever thought about high schools and colleges? Both high school and college are similar and different in many ways, students have to attend classes and take transportation to and from school every day. You get to meet new friends the first couple of weeks of school. You have different teachers for different subjects that you take, such as math, English and other classes that are required. To begin with, in high school and colleges teachers are nice and let student’s hand in late work, while other teachers are mean and don’t let you hand in late work. The teachers teach the students what they have to learn in order to pass the class. Students get homework and class work almost every day and they also have to study for exams. The homework is due the next day that the student attends the class, and the class work is supposed to be done in class and turned in at the end of the class period. Also, in class the teachers like to give instructions in their own way, such as lectures from the book or power point depending on the different ways they like to teach their students. Some of the teachers will give their students an idea what will be on the exam or quiz, or telling them what’s on it, and by spending the whole class period trying to make sure the students have a good understanding on what the exam will look like. On the other hand, some teachers in high school and college don’t let you know what will be on the exam. If a student has problems with the class work or homework that’s given or taught in class, there is tutoring available at certain times to help the students with homework problems that they are having trouble with. Also, the students can go to the school library and check out books to read or do research for their assignments. However, some high schools treat the students like kids by not allowing them to have time to themselves. Students
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