Health And Social Care: The Six Psychological Perspectives

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+Psychological Perspectives for Health and Social Care P1: Design and produce an information booklet that explains the six principal psychological perspectives. First in this assignment I have decided to describe the six principal of psychological perspectives and fist I am going to explain first perspectives which is behaviourist perspective which involved how the theories of classical conditioning and operant conditioning can be applied in health and social care settings that deal with challenging or changing behaviour. Perspectives 1: • Behaviourist perspective: Behaviourist Theory According to Crittenden, et al. (2005) behaviour is learnt through seeing what someone else does. This can be explained further through…show more content…
At each stage, the individual’s libido known as energy is motivated on a part of our body that is mainly related at that stage. If the developing children are met at each stage and it will move on to the next stage. But if they struggle or conflict or some unsatisfactory experience, then individual becomes fixated known as stuck at this stage. The can result in definite ways of being or personality traits that are carried out into adulthood which can explain later in life. Oral stage is the first stage. Mouth activities such as sucking, biting, and licking will probably we have noticed that infants seem to put everything in their mouth. Freud also believed that there could be two reasons for fixation. First if the infant weaned too early then it would feel forever under-gratified and unsatisfied and would develop into a negative, sarcastic person. Secondly, when infants weaned too late then it would over-gratified the develop individual’s innocent personality, simply trusting in others and with a tendency to swallow everything. And this stage last from birth to almost 1 year and 6 months to go through oral stage. If they pass the oral stage without becoming fixated, the next stage is anal stage which it’s for at least 3 years. Children ages during four and five, they passes through…show more content…
Huntington’s disease is caused by a single dominant gene, which either parent can pass on to their child. Cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anaemia are caused when both parents pass on the gene for the disorder. Disorders that happen regardless of environment influences such as listed above are genetically determined disorders. This means that the individual who inherits the gene or genes is sure to develop the disorder, regardless of environmental influences. Disorder usually begins to show when the individual is become age between 30 and 50 years old. Some of the changes in behaviour are listed

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