Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 6 E3

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Unit 6 Claire Enright E1& E2- See appendix E3 /E4 There is a wide range of factors which may affect children’s health and well-being at different times in their lives. The best start for a child is good role models in their life this is because child mirror practitioners and parents. Thought out child’s life money plays a big factor as poverty is on the rise in England. Children who live in poverty are more likely to live in a damp housing environment. “Poor housing conditions increase the risk of severe ill-health or disability by up to25 per cent during childhood and early adulthood”. .This means that they are more likely to have…show more content…
Appendix 2- I have researched Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory and the importance of routines and planning activities because this helps the practitioners observe and plan for children to have a healthy lifestyle. Appendix 3-i have research “The Role of Routines and Activates in Promoting and Maintaining the Health of Children” because it provides evidence of the practitioners role in maintaining and providing a healthy lifestyle with in the setting. Appendix 4-i have research this as it states that practitioners have to be positive role models for children to teach them about how to care and for themselves though healthy eating and exercise. Appendix 5-i have research this because it explains about practitioners role in children health screening. Appendix 6- this research is about the role of adults and other professionals in supporting childrens health by doing planned activities to teach children to eat well and keep…show more content…
The National Health Service do checks on children at 2/3 years 4/5 years and 10/11 years. In this check children will be weighed and measured by the nurse. This is to check that the child is growing correctly and has no signs of childhood obesity or anorexia. Parents will be informed of this check-up beforehand. This gives childrens parents the opportunity to keep their child off if they fear concern for their child’s health. If a child gets noticed to be over or under weight the parents will be informed though a letter advising them to see the medical professional to help with the problem. The National Health Service provide many free services which you can see in appendix 7. But you have to pay prescription prescribe from the doctor and glasses and dentures. Health and safety policy and procedures are in place at every setting they all are slightly different but follow to basic outline. It’s in place to keep everyone safe within the setting. As it’s the most important thing. As it has to meet the legal requirements. This means that the building has to be in a good condition and have kite standard of equipment. All members of staff have to read sign and follow up the procedures with risk assessments. There negative points is that children cannot fulfil there exploration to the point they want. This means that children learning and development if effected. There immune system
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