Tda 2.8 Health and Safety

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Wendy Scott TDA 2.8: Support Children and Young People’s Health and Safety 1.1: Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting. Every school by law is required to have a safety policy which gives information to staff about the procedures that they have in place for ensuring that the school is safe. The health, safety and welfare of all the people that work or learn at the setting are of fundamental importance. The school aims to provide a safe, secure and pleasant environment for everyone. The Governing Body, as an employer, takes responsibility for the health and safety of all their pupils, members of staff and others who visit the premises. The setting also implements current health and safety legislation by ensuring that safety equipment is provided for any activity that warrants it. For example; safe use of tools in DT and gloves for handling materials in science. They also state within their policy the following “use the correct tools and equipment appropriate for the job and ensure that they are kept in good condition and not adapted for unauthorised use.” All materials and equipment need to fulfill the recognised standards of safety. The most widely used safety symbol is the kite-mark. Many items must also meet European regulations and they will carry the CE symbol to show that these regulations have been met. Another symbol which can also be seen on equipment, usually toys is the Lion Mark. Equipment used within the setting is also age and ability appropriate to avoid any unnecessary accidents which may occur if the equipment isn’t used correctly. The schools health and safety policy also states that all employees have a legal obligation to take reasonable care for their own health and safety, for the safety of others and to cooperate with the Head Teacher in fulfilling the
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