Childcare P6 - Confidentiality

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At our primary school, (Blakesley Hall) we have a Data Protection Act policy. The Data Protection Act was created in 1998. The aim of confidentiality at a school is to ensure the child is protected at all times, monitor their progress and to give members of staff guidance as to their legal and professional job roles. Blakesley Hall Primary School strives to keep the children safe, secure and successful. They want to create a safe and secure learning environment in order to keep the children safe from danger and make them feel as though every child matters. Confidentiality in a school setting involves: * Reassuring the students their best interest is the schools priority * Encouraging children to speak to their parents and careers * Inform the students and parents about the handling of information. * Correct procedures are followed when the child’s safety is at risk. * To ensure that confidentiality is a whole school issue and that in lessons ground rules are set for the protection of all. Specific data can how determine how well the child will do in a given time or the success of communication between parents and the school. The members of staff at Blakesley Hall Primary School is expected to act professionally in their job profession if a parent confides in them about an arising issue with their child if they have problems or something the school should know about. The reason for a confidentiality policy in school is all the students at the school have the right to confidentiality because of the Data Protection Act. The Data Protection Act is a law designed to protect personal data stored on computers or in an organized paper filing system. The Data Protection Act was passed by parliament to control the way information is handled and to give legal rights to people who have information stored about them. Parents have rights to see what
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