Healing Music Essay

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The Effects of Music Healing the Body The healing process of music has a deep and profound effect on the human body, even more then most people realize. From ancient Gregorian chants, to modern day teenagers taking an exam, music has been a key element in the advancement of mankind. Classical music has been said to be the best music man has ever created. When, in fact, most classical music has the same rhythm as a beating heart, Aerobics classes use upbeat music to maintain a strong even flow in movement, and even brain surgeons play music during an operation to relieve stress. Scientists don’t exactly know how or why music has this effect on the human body, but they hypothesize that certain types of music stimulate specific areas of the brain as well as slowing others down. The brain functions on electrical signals and brain waves, when sound waves are introduced, it can boost these brain waves. Influencing these brain patterns can increase learning ability, creativity, and increased dreaming. The benefits of music are not limited to academics; stroke victims have been able to recover faster in a musical environment, children from abusive families who learn to play an instrument have been proven to be more successful in life, Tibetan monks use deep chants to relax the body and meditate. In a recent experiment, plants that were exposed to soft music grew faster then plants that were not. However, not all music has been linked to beneficial effects. During WWII Nazi propaganda films attempted to mix subliminal messages into the soundtrack, most of these attempts failed, but today this method is still being used. Television commercials often play popular music with their ads, resulting in the watcher associating his or her favourite tune with the specific product being advertised. The military has also used music played at high decibel levels, for prolonged

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