Harvey Norman Essay

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Term 1- 2013 ESSENTIALS E-MARKETING STRATEGY Instructor Tom Marotta Group Assignment Presented by: 1. Thi My Anh Pham ( 122FPM3801) 2. Phuoc Tran Thu Hien Nguyen ( 123FNN3998) 3. Loc Trung Nguyen ( 122MNN3822) Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION 3 Overview of Harvey Norman 3 II. BODY 5 A. Micro and Macro environment analysis. 5 B. Understanding the importance of managing distribution channels 6 C. Understanding the importance of designing distribution channels 7 D. The use of intermediary and disintermediary 7 E. Business Model 8 F. Internet Advertising and Marketing 9 III. CONCLUSION 10 IV. REFERENCES 11 I. INTRODUCTION Overview of Harvey Norman Since the goods economy, free trade and circulation of goods speed is always the main motivation to promote the development of productive forces and therefore, it decides the new methods of production. Along with the development of global information technology today that is representative of the Internet. The influence of the global Internet and it became a part of the globalization process. It has been profound changes in all aspects of human society from economic, political and social culture. Through which, we can see the effects of the decision, the biggest challenges and opportunities set out in the long term Internet in commercial fields. Internet set out the foundation for the formation of e-commerce, including humans, as well as the means of production and commodity products, can communicate directly with each other, and constantly without papers, as not to face reality. E-commerce is a new field, e-commerce is referred to by many different names. Although e-commerce name is used the most and become common convention, are included in international documents. Electronic commerce (e-commerce)

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