Hum/186 Social Media Research Paper

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Social Media HUM/186 Professor Steve Gaffen Back in the 80’s, the library was a great place to gain knowledge. It was used to assist with factual research and useful information. Now, libraries are not that useful any more. Obtaining information today is not hard to do. Whether it is the internet, newspaper, or books, information is right at your fingertips and can be located by all ages. This paper will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of obtainable information and social media, how knowing these advantages and disadvantages can alter social media usage, and finally credibility of information that can arise from using the internet. Everything has an advantage and disadvantage. Obtaining information is no different. The…show more content…
The advantages of social media would be to stay in contact with family and friends that are not living close to visit. For example, Facebook is the most viewed media site (Campbell, 2014). It allows people to communicate with people all over the world. Keeping in touch with family via this social media allows pictures to be posted and viewed, videos and other events that would be missed. The disadvantages of social media would be when it’s used inappropriately. Hackers can get personal information such as your name and address if it’s available on the site. It also makes it easy for child predators to interact with our kids. For example, child predators use these sites every day to connect with children. Social media can even affect job opportunities. Jobs now check social media sites to see if the employees are on them before jobs are…show more content…
Internet usage is on the rise and the main sources for obtaining information in the 21st century. Like with everything it has its advantages and disadvantages. One would say the advantages out way the disadvantages, making research more accessible at any time. Social media advantages and disadvantages were discussed and they have altered the way most individual post their business. It is no longer private and once it’s posted it can be used against someone. Creditability of the internet has also been discussed and knowing what is creditable when obtaining information for educational purpose is important. Knowing how to obtain factual information from the internet can make research
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