Guilt: Religious Vs. Nonreligious

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Guilt: Religious vs. Nonreligious A vast majority understands the difference between right and wrong; assuming there is no mental disabilities involved. In general, this fact is created from the upbringings of one is taught. The only problem with this is that not everyone identifies the same deed as good or bad. Which leads to the different beliefs that have separated and gathered much of America since the beginning. Forming various religious groups throughout the nation. Each groups has different perceptions of right and wrong which is the determining factor of guilt. Guilt is perceived when there is an acknowledgement of remorse for one’s own actions. Depended upon their history, one’s decisions are made from what they have been taught.…show more content…
The similar objectives they both experience that are heritability entitled for them to feel guilt for, would be, for example, killing a person. It is never acceptable in the United States to commit a crime of killing another human. The legal laws in America would sentence both, Christians or Atheists, to prison if they were to commit such a crime. In extension, Christianity also has in the Ten Commandments telling them, “thy shall not kill.” The legal laws would send a murderer to prison, therefore this punishment would leave both groups remorseful for their actions. Atheist may feel their punishment is complete once they served their sentence, but since Christians believe taking someone’s life is committing a sin; they therefore question the likelihood of their soul entering into heaven. This principle held by Christians lays a greater feeling of sorrow for their decisions. Many people have been raised upon the idea of what is right or wrong, but it is evident that not everyone can come to an agreeable term. The religious and nonreligious laws have affected the decisions one would make. Yet, the history of a person’s background will determine the feelings they have towards their own
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