Islamic Religion Vs American Religions

1094 Words5 Pages
Islam & Black 750-1400 words How does your selected religious group differ from other religious groups(such as their beliefs, worship practices, or values)? Islam is a religion without any mythology. The teaching of this religion are simple and intelligible. The Islam religion is free from superstitions and irrational beliefs. The oneness of God, the prophethood of Muhammad, and the concept of life postmortem are the rudimental articles of its faith. They are predicated on reason and sound logic. All of the teachings of Islam flow from those basic beliefs and are simple and straightforward. There is no hierarchy of priests, no farfetched abstractions, no perplexed rites or rituals. Muslims believe that god is one while most Christians believe that God is three persons in one and most Jews believe that Aliazer is the son of god. Muslims believe that Muhammad is God’s prophet and herald while Christians and Jews don’t believe this theory. Jews don’t believe in Jesus at all. Muslims believe that Adam and Eve were forgiven by god, while many Christians believe in…show more content…
In what ways has the religious group contributed to American culture? As Americans, we can thank the Islam religion for opening up our ocular perceivers to a consummately different religion. There are some American who will disregard this because they are stuck in their ways but, most of us find learning about an incipient religion intriguing. Provide specific examples of prejudice or discrimination your selected religious group has experienced. Muslims are discriminated against for practicing their religion. Muslim women are being gainsaid jobs and girls averted from attending conventional classes just because they wear traditional forms of dress, such as the headscarf. Men are not given opportunities for wearing a beard that associates with the Islam

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