Groups Vs Expert Individual

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Small Groups VS Individual Expert as Problem Solving Ricky Moua College In terms of solving a problem or multiple problems, it will also determine the best course to take. Typically when tackling many problems small groups will usually tackle the problems at a quicker rate as well as find better alternatives to the solutions. Small groups in many ways can surpass individuals at problem solving but there are also multitudes of situations where individuals are best. Expert individuals can usually solve problems much quicker than small groups only in the event that the subject is within their field. The question that should be asked is what method should be chosen so that it will be the most cost and time effective? Small Groups VS Individual Expert as Problem Solving Small groups tend to surpass individual experts when alternative solutions are present. Due to the fact that small groups consist of multiple bodies, they can input there own specific experiences and unique knowledge into the task at hand thus coming up with an, if not better, answer than that of the individual. Group work causes less strain to the mind and well as it is a lot less time consuming. Typically higher quality work is present with multitudes of solutions. Teams or small groups getting together to complete a task at hand is like how a heart surgery takes place. The surgery team consist of many individuals coming together to accomplish a task. The team consists of: an anesthesiologist who administers the anesthesia; the surgeon whom performs the operation; assistant surgeon who assists the surgeon; cardiologist who runs the tests and oversees your stay until discharge; surgical nurse who works under the surgeons supervision; perfusionist who is in charge or the heart-lung machine and cell saver machine; and the scrub tech who preps the operating room

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