Gr Hotel Assignment

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Prior to Interactive Session 1 (IS-1) you are required to complete the following additional assignment. The GR Hotels video link is available on the home page of the CPP site. The GR Hotels Backgrounder, Additional Information and Assessment Rubric are all available on the CPP site under “View Course Content” and then “Reference Materials”. Assignment Instructions: Allow yourself eight (8) hours to complete the exercise. The exercise does not have to be accomplished in one sitting. 1. Watch the GR Hotels video until directed to read the Backgrounder 2. Read the Backgrounder and follow the instructions on video, taking notes as suggested 3. Watch the video until directed to read the Additional Information 4. Read the Additional Information and perform a situational analysis including a financial assessment of the current situation 5. Continue to go back and forth between the video and solving GR Hotels until you have gone through all of the steps 6. Identify the major problem/issue in case 7. Identify alternatives to solve the above identified problem issue (Janet goes through one of the alternatives—add to her response and also repeat this process for other alternatives you identify) 8. Analyze the alternatives both qualitatively and quantitatively 9. Make a recommendation explaining why it was selected 10. Develop an implementation plan which should consist of the following: - Discuss how you will resolve the disadvantages you listed in your analysis of the recommendations that you made - Make recommendations regarding the operational issues that still must be addressed (see weaknesses) - Develop an action plan (who is going to do what, when) - Develop a cash flow illustrating the quantitative results of the recommendations 11. Assemble your report: 1. Prepare Executive Summary, Introduction, Conclusion 2. Upload to CPP site Your file
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