God Is Not a Fish Inspector

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Short Story Unit Terminology Plot - The framework of a story; the bones without the meat 3 4 2 5 1 Plot terms 1. Exposition - has four purposes: • To arouse the reader’s interest • To introduce the primary characters • To give the setting • To give clues as to what action might follow AND Exposition – includes the following: o The Protagonist o The Antagonist o The Setting which includes Time, Place, and Atmosphere/Mood. o The Initial Incident: the central problem, or the problem that revolves around the protagonist. 2. Rising Action - a series of steps that develops the clues and action; a series of ups and downs; a series of conflicts. 3. Climax - the point at which we know how the story will end; it is the turning point at the top of the Rising Action; it is found close to the end of the story. 4. Falling Action - what follows the climax 5. Resolution / Denouement - wraps up all the loose ends. It resolves the conflict. Plot Sequencing Terms 1. Chronological order - the events of the story are narrated in the order in which they occurred in actual time (Ex: “Prometheus: Fire Thief”) 2. Flashback - the story begins in the midst of action and flashes back to a previous time to provide an explanation (Ex:Forrest Gump, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory) 3. Foreshadowing – the giving of a hint or indication of events to come (From Spiderman - “With great power, comes great responsibility,” “The Sea Devil”) 4. Suspense – it is the intentional withholding of information from the reader to create curiosity and interest (“The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Sea Devil,”) Character o It is the basic personality traits and habits of a character in a
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