Social Progression In Frankenstein And Blade Runner

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The desire for social progression has always shrouded society. Both Mary Shelley’sFrankenstein (1818) and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (1982) were produced duringeras of technological exploration. Through depicting technology breeching moral boundaries through context, characterisation and intertextuality, both Scott andShelley highlight the dangers of progression with the absence of ethical emotion – atimeless social issues which binds these two texts.Written during the industrial revolution and the emerging era of existentialism andexploration – Shelley’s Frankenstein can be interpreted as a warning to thetechnologically curious. This curious nature is personified throughout the protagonistVictor Frankenstein, who tragically falls victim to…show more content…
Victor represents society intent on pushing the boundaries and themonster represents the product of this curiosity; of technology gone wrong;technology without ethics. “Accursed creator! Why do you form a monster so hideousthat even you turn away from me in disgust?” The monsters constant rhetoricquestioning addresses these ethics and illuminates the monster as a symbol of innocence in the face of corruption. Victor’s relationships also allow insight into themoral dilemma of creation. Victor’s positive family relationship is juxtaposed againsthis spite for the monster, a somewhat child of his. This represents the separation of emotion and technological progression and the dangers that accompany this. Thisillustrates the warning Shelley aimed her progressing society to heed.Similarly, the characterisation within ‘Blade Runner’ sheds light on the fragilerelationship between technology and emotion. Roy Batty – the product is in fact‘more human than human’ against the society that produced him; personified by theanti-her Deckard. As Roy releases a white dove upon his acceptance of
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