Critical Thinking Quiz

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1. Give the author’s “more formal” definition of thinking. What page(s) in the text did you find the answer on? Thinking is any mental activity that helps formulate or solve a problem, make a decision, or fulfill a desire to understand. It is a searching for answers, a reaching for meaning. Chapter 1, page 4 2. What one “thing” is required to successfully solve a problem and analyze an issue? What page(s) in the text did you find the answer on? Successful problem solving and issue analysis require factual knowledge—that is, familiarity with the historical context of the problem or issue and an understanding of the relevant principles and concepts. Chapter 1, page 5 3. What three things are increasingly expected…show more content…
What is problematic about the use of the word “opinion” according to the author? What page(s) in the text did you find the answer on? The basic problem with the word opinion is that it is too general. It is made to carry a heavier load than it can bear, covering both expressions of taste and expressions of judgment. Chapter 2, page 34 15. What does the author consider crucial for the responsible development of an opinion? What page(s) in the text did you find the answer on? A clear understanding of cause and effect relationships is crucial to the responsible formation of opinions. Chapter 2, page 35 16. What four facts must be understood before assessing possible cause-effect relationships? NOTE: copy and paste only the bolded portions of the text, #’s 1 – 4, which answer this question – not the extensive paragraphs following those fact headings. What page(s) in the text did you find the answer on? One event can precede another without causing it. Not all causation involves force or necessity. There is a wild card in human affairs—free will. Causation is often complex. Chapter 2, pages 35-38 17. Is it possible to avoid making value judgments? What page(s) in the text did you find the answer…show more content…
What are the two “phases” of the human mind? What page(s) in the text did you find the answer on? The human mind, as we have seen, has two phases. It both produces ideas and judges them. Chapter 5, page 95 30. This question has three parts: First, what are the four stages in the creative process? Note: copy and paste only the direct answers, not the descriptive/explanatory paragraphs. What page(s) in the text did you find the answer on? The First Stage: Searching for Challenges The Second Stage: Expressing the Problem or Issue The Third Stage: Investigating the Problem or Issue The Fourth Stage: Producing Ideas Chapter 5, pages 103-104 Second, what are the six techniques you can use to help regain your curiosity? Note: copy and paste only the direct answers, not the descriptive/explanatory paragraphs. What page(s) in the text did you find the answer on? 1. Be observant. 2. Look for the imperfections in things. 3. Note your own and others’ dissatisfactions. 4. Search for causes. 5. Be sensitive to implications. 6. Recognize the opportunity in controversy. Chapter 6, page

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