Girl, Interrupted Book Report

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Girl, Interrupted - Susanna Kaysen ------------------------------------------------- Independent Reading Assignment: Reading Response Journal FIRST THIRD QUESTION 2: What was the most important event or episode in the first third of the novel. Describe what happened; fully explain why this event was so important. The book Girl, Interrupted is a memoir by Susanna Kaysen who tells us a true story about the experience as an eighteen-year-old who becomes a patient in a psychiatric hospital after leaving high school in the late 1960s. The most important event is referred to throughout the first third of the novel when a psychiatrist diagnoses and commits Kaysen to a hospital just by drawing a conclusion from an offhand observation. Though Kaysen is eighteen years-old, she has a choice, but due to her exhaustion from her depression she puts up little resistance and ends up signing herself into the facility. She questions her mental state throughout the novel which is when the major question arises: how does one tell insanity from sanity, and what does it mean to be normal. It was Kaysens previous attempted suicide that leads her to the position she is in, though the suicide was only half hearted because she only wanted to kill a part of herself, the part that has the desire to commit suicide. By taking fifty aspirins resulted in her being taken to the hospital which is why she had to go through a session with a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist makes a diagnosis by a simple observation: ‘“You have a pimple,” Said the doctor. I’d hoped nobody would notice. “You’ve been picking it,” he went on. “You’ve been picking at yourself,” the doctor said.”’ Kaysen explains how popping that pimple earlier that day gave her a sense of achievement. Only in the first twenty minutes of the session, he diagnosed her with Borderline Personality Disorder because he believed

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