German American Research Paper

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German Americans ETH/125 6 November 2011 Carol Agurs German Americans Having many ethnical backgrounds running in my family, it is hard to just pick one. I classify myself as a mutt because I am Irish, German, Czechoslovakian, Austrian, Hungarian, Scottish, and Turkish. Being that most of my heritage is Irish and German I am taking this opportunity to learn more about my German side. Even though people could look at me and tell I am Irish it is not the same when it comes to being German. Back in 1608 is when several Germans were among settlers who came to the United States and settled in Jamestown, Virginia ("European Reading Room", 2010). In 1683, thirteen families seeking religious freedom arrived in Pennsylvania and purchased…show more content…
Nazism is single handedly one of the most heinous acts of crime in world history. Nazis, which originated in Germany, was led by the chancellor of Germany at the time, Adolf Hitler. Hitler won his place of power in 1933 out of the Nazi party. By 1939, he had reassembled Germany’s military and invaded Poland for takeover. He convinced most of Germany’s public that Jews were devil worshipers, were evil, and caused the economy to decline. He also said the superior race was Aryan race, a blonde haired blue eyed Caucasian, despite the fact he was not of the Aryan race himself. From this invasion, which took him a matter of days to take over Poland, he wanted to rid the world of Jewish people and take over all of…show more content…
I was born in the United States so I’ve grown up here and this is all I know, despite of what I have learned in school. I never got the experience to go to Germany or live in their culture first hand. German’s are very formal people with what they wear and how they greet people. They always use last names if they don’t know the people whom they’re speaking too. I’m more of an outgoing person and I just introduce myself with first name. I also don’t dress up a lot like they do. They dress up to go anywhere outside of their houses where as I just dress up on nice occasions. If people out in public see me in sweats, they can think what they want of me; I don’t lose sleep over
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