The question to examine here is are they really terrorists? Or are they simply the most powerful partisanship in the world today? “...The West presents a threat to Islam; ... loyalty to religion and loyalty to democratic institutions and values are incompatible; and that violence is the only proper response” ( This is the belief system that is instilled in members of Al Qaeda which has stemmed from the global message by such figures as Osama Bin Laden. Amongst the teachings of Osama Bin Laden, former Al Qaeda leader, towards his followers is that the removal of Western influence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other Palestinian Territories is crucial for the survival of Islamic faith, and that the destruction of these “infidels” is the only means of maintaining the strength and existence of Islam.
When Americans began to believe that weapons of mass destruction existed and decided that Iraq was providing support to al Queda, the war could be justified as an act of self defense. Bush also told Americans by invading Iraq he would bring a democracy to their country to better the policies and enforce democratic beliefs in their country. The role of the media plays an imminent part in the run up to the war in Iraq. The media repeatedly showed the planes crashing into the World Trade Centers. People were watching this horrific act being shown on every news channel for weeks after the attacks occurred.
He had blamed Iraq to be holding terrorists, he had made America believe that Iraq had been under Saddam Hussein’s clutches and that whatever he had to say was law. President Bush had stated in his speech that, “Saddam Hussein is harboring terrorists and the instruments of terror, the instruments of terror of mass death and destruction, and he cannot be trusted. The risk is simply too great that he will use them or provide them to a terror network”. He had made Americans believe that Hussein was creating weapons and developing a nuclear weapon so that he could “blackmail” the world. President Bush had not trusted Saddam Hussein and he didn’t want rest of America to either.
Americans know “racial profiling is both morally wrong and ineffective”, but they rather be safe than sorry (Chavez 563). Americans only get the idea that all middle easterners are terrorists because media has taken the role of portraying them in such a way to plants terror in Americans (Spurlock). People have gotten to the point of people being “singled out” because of looking certain way or because people around them feel uncomfortable (Chavez 569).
Nowadays when one sees a Muslim or someone who looks like a Muslim, that person is automatically deemed as either being dangerous or a terrorist. This fact comes to tell how far the world has come to. The 9/11 attacks changed the people’s perspective upon Muslims and now the stereotype is that all Muslims are bad and that they are all terrorists looking to kill innocent Americans. The next reason as to why the attacks were a success was due to the support that al-Qaeda got from different organizations and countries. They got financial support from countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria.
Jeremy Soto HIST 7602-U50 Book Overview: Over Here by David M. Kennedy This book by Kennedy dives deep into the events that led to World War I and shows the culture of the American people during very tumultuous times. Secrets of legal organized militias are exposed along with desperate attempts by the Government to control and manipulate the minds of Americans through the Sedition act and the introduction of citizen spies. Kennedy is very descriptive about this war in general and sets the tone for this entire scene in the prologue. The references made to Orwell, which can also be made today, tell how deeply involved the federal government was in the lives of everyday people. Many have questioned President Wilson’s motives and reasoning
From the Ashes of September 11th Comes Forth a New Nation & United We Stand The acts of terrorism committed on September 11th affected more than just those who lived in the cities that were attacked. Almost every American still hears the echo of the plane hitting the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 and the South Tower at 9:03. After the Pentagon was attacked at 9:38 the S Tower collapse killing countless people whereas the N tower collapsed at 10:28. Though this country has always been considered a patriotic nation although its patriotic tone has never been widely heard. Despite the many negative aspects of the terrorist attacks, the changes that also came from the attacks will change the way our nation defines the word security.
Argument Essay (9/11) September 11, 2001 will be remembered in the hearts of Americans as one of the most tragic and unbelievable days ever experienced in the United States. The events of this day surely affected every citizen and likely affected every person in the world. Our fellow citizens, our way of life, and our very freedom we hold so dearly to us came under attack in a series of remarkable terrorist acts. The victims of this attack were everyday Americans. Secretaries, businessmen, mothers and fathers.
They recommend attacking terrorist organizations by strengthening international commitments, seeking out the terrorist sanctuaries, and confronting problems such as in Saudi Arabia over oil. One of the bigger challenges would be to prevent the growth of Islamic terrorism. The Commission suggests that the US become an example of moral leadership to the world. They suggest communication and the defense of American ideals throughout the Islamic population. The Commission suggests a maximum effort to countering the accumulation of weapons of mass destruction.
The effectiveness of direct retaliation which involves the US led war on terrorism. After the 9/11 attacks many Americans had the view that the world changed forever. These attacks on the United States caused so much grief and hatred to those that perpetrated and were involved in the attacks that on October the 7th 2001 US and British troops invaded Iraq to seek and destroy those involved so that an attack on foreign soil of this magnitude does not happen again. The main impact for me this war has caused is that there are more people joining terrorist groups today because they don’t believe in what out governments are doing so they feel like joining the enemy is a good way to get what they want. At the moment with the current situation with