George Bush 'War on terror' speech analysis

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‘War on terror’ essay On September 11th, the infamous terrorist organisation known as Al Qaeda committed an act of war against America. George Bush’s ‘war on terror’ speech declared war against all terrorist group committees with utter anger and disparagement. To illustrate this, George Bush has strongly depicted Al Qaeda as iniquitous freedom haters, meanwhile, the Americans as victims of war. Bush then presents his own solution describing it as the only method that best helps not only American citizens, but the world’s nations as well. In George Bush’s ‘war on terror’ speech, George Bush has strongly depicted Al Qaeda as iniquitous freedom haters. He starts by using emotional appeal in his first sentence stating Al Qaeda as “enemies of freedom” to create a sense of injustice towards the audience, which manipulates them to support Bush’s contention and also trigger an emotional response. In his third paragraph, he uses a metaphor to describe Al Qaeda: “Al Qaeda is to terror what the mafia is to crime”. This automatically creates a negative image in the audience’s mind and furthermore, highlights Bush’s main point. Throughout his whole speech, he uses an anger and disparaging tome to reflect Bush’s point of view. Overall, George Bush uses emotional appeal, metaphors, and tone to portray Al Qaeda as iniquitous freedom haters which persuades the audience to recognise his contention and accept his point of view. Americans are depicted as victims of war from the September 11th terrorist incident with George Bush’s speech. An anecdote is used in the first paragraph to portray this: “...Americans have known the casualties of war--but not at the centre of a great city on a peaceful morning. Americans have known surprise attacks—but never before on thousands of civilians. All of this was brought upon us in a single day—and night fell on a different world, a world

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