Forensic Spectroscopy Essay

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Forensic Spectroscopy Its amazing what you see on TV and what it takes to accomplice it in real life all the crime shows, court TV , forensic files all just put all these big words out and until reading into it I thought you could analyze stuff pretty quick and accurate maybe no in a nice little hour block. There is a huge skill set involved with being able to study and decipher what the information these machines are telling you. I don’t think I could probably turn half of them on mostly because .I can’t pronounce half the words that go into it. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is primarily used for detecting drug use by analyzing the urine of the user. GC-MS had some difficulties with detecting some drugs sometime resulting in false positives due to the complexity that urine presents sometimes. Time –of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) is also used to detect drug use in urine but with better accuracy helping with better creditability in the court room. TOF-MS with it high sensitive and better spectrum it is able to determine overdoses and poisoning of a person helping law enforcement with type of drug prescribed or not and the quantity in their system helping determine if it caused or added to a death or rule it out . TOF-MS is able to analyze trace levels has a fast scan rate and has a vast data base using existing data base of known samples with its spectral quality it sometimes goes beyond what is currently in the data base Serology includes the investigation of body fluids blood, semen, salvia all have a potential to be left at the crime scene and all are vital to the investigation but only if you are able to figure out what it is and who it came from. You may also be assisted by the fluids left behind in a crime scene by developing a picture of how it took place. Being secure good samples to be tested is key collection and storage
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