Violence In CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

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Violence In CSI: Is It Really Bad? The popular television show, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation has often been criticized for portraying too much violence; however the violence is what draws in the crowds of people watching. Many authors of journals have also criticized the series, along with the two spin-offs, CSI: New York and CSI: Miami, for not depicting the job of the investigators correctly. For example, Amy Goehner writes in her article, “Where CSI: Meets Real Law and Order” that to use the DNA analysis on every case, as they do in CSI would cost over $10,000 each time, and most crime labs not only have that much money to spend, but they don’t have the time to find all the probable DNA evidence on every case. Although CSI has its share of controversy, it is liked due to the nature of the program, with its depiction of gore and violence. In his article, “Science Fiction”, Patrick McCormick says “…Teens will also be attracted to shows with plenty of high-tech gore—worms and bugs crawling out of open wounds and all sorts of seeping and pooling body fluids.” CSI can be very gory, and not for the weak stomach, but you have the option of changing the channel. Due to the…show more content…
According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia, “[CSI:New York] is much bloodier than the Miami version…” I can say from experience viewing CSI: New York, it is more graphic than CSI: Las Vegas. They go into an in-depth look at how the victim was killed, and the murder weapon was used. As if that’s not gory enough, they tend to show those gory scenes many different times througout the hour-long show. The reason why I don’t think that CSI: Las Vegas is that bad, is that when they show the gory scenes over and over, they don’t take an in-depth look at how the murderer killed the victim with a fork, and sliced through a main artery, like CSI: New York

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